Friday, 3 June 2011

June 2011 - Expecting an Awesome Fast

Praise the Lord!!!

What an awesome opportunity this month to pursue God through fasting and prayer.
I have been excited, inspired and encouraged to see this church responding to God as one body.  In our celebration services you are choosing to worship Him together—embracing each person’s uniqueness while seeking him with one heart.  You are not distracted by each other; but are encouraged by each other.  God is now calling us deeper into that pursuit.
Fasting & prayer is in resurgence in the evangelical Christian community. Somehow this was lost along the way. Whatever the reason, it is being brought back to its rightful place.
I am saying this because I hope that we don’t think the Upper Room Fast is simply a “one off.”  While this is related to the 10 days that the disciples prayed after Jesus’ ascension, it is also a rebirth as with the day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church in fullness.  This is a corporate fast and we will have more of them.  However, it is also an individual fast and I believe you will be inspired to further fasts throughout the year.
Fasting and prayer should be considered a spiritual discipline. It is a spiritual activity. While it is definitely physical in its expression, a Biblical fast is not simply the removal of food or activity.  Without the spiritual component, it is simply a denial for emotional or physical reasons (e.g. fasting for weight loss & health).  It is also a discipline, so there will be a need to engage your will in following the Lord.  You will have opportunities to choose between soul and spirit—between the pull of your flesh and the pull of the Holy Spirit. Disciplines done in conjunction with the Holy Spirit strengthen your will in unity with God as opposed to simply strengthening your own will and then you later find that the “arm of your flesh will fail you.”
I bless you in this journey. Fasting is a journey of relationship with God. You may stumble along the way—don’t give up. You may find times where it is difficult—we are in this together, so call someone else who is fasting for support.  As we journey through this fast and future ones, we will find ourselves propelled into God’s destiny for us, both as a church and as individuals.
Be sure to pick up a copy of the “Practical Guide to Fasting” and the “Fast Commitment.”  You can also find these on the church website.  I am also keeping a daily diary as we go through the fast (the link is also on the church website) and hope you are encouraged by it.
Loving you all,
Pastor Merril

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