Wednesday, 7 August 2013

August 2013 - Sola Iesus Christus

One of the key statements of the Protestant Reformation was “sola scriptura,” which is Latin for “only Scripture” or “by Scripture alone.”  This was a very important rallying cry for those who were standing against teachings and edicts that were not based in Scripture.  Wycliffe, Hus, Luther, Calvin and many others were calling the church (especially its leaders) back to the base and basics of the Bible alone.  As benefactors of the Protestant Reformation, we are pretty good at this.

Where we have possibly strayed is in applying the Word to our lives based upon our own interpretation of our destiny, identity, gifts and calling.  The Bible becomes focussed upon us instead of upon revealing God to us.  Don’t get me wrong, we are a specific focus of God’s plan and His plan of grace is revealed in Scripture.  A standard practice of biblical interpretation is to let Scripture interpret Scripture.  However, I would say that we should let Word interpret Word.  Jesus interprets the Bible He wrote, not the other way around (while not taking from the fact that Jesus is revealed in Scripture).  A key statement for us today could be “sola Iesus Christus” — it’s really about knowing Jesus.
  • Jesus is the Word. (John 1:1)
  • Jesus is the “brightness of God’s glory and the express image of His person.” (Heb. 1:3)
  • Jesus is the only one to have seen the Father fully and completely. (John 6:46)
  • Jesus is the revelation of the Father. (John 14:7)
We need to know Jesus for who He is and not simply who we think He is or want Him to be.  Saul had an encounter with Jesus in Acts 9 where his blindness was revealed to Him in the midst of Jesus revealing Himself.  Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was (Matt. 16:15).  Jesus asks us the same question today.  He’s not asking because He doesn’t know, but so that we can gain revelation from the Father just as Peter did (Matt. 16:16-17).  Let’s take some time to know Him better.

Journeying with you,

Pastor Merril

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